Question for the day...
The purpose of having a question for the day is to keep your mind and soul stretching and searching for answers. This has been by far one of the greatest tools in learning what it is that holds us back from getting what we want in life and making the lasting shifts necessary to find true success. Success to me is having PEACE. I know as you make this a daily practice, things will open up to you in ways you may never have thought of before.
Question #1
Write down a history of your fear. What is it that you fear most and why? Question #2 How do I work on my humility on a daily basis? Question #3 What is the biggest misconception people have about you? What could you do to change it? Question #4 Do you feel you speak your truth? If not, what are you afraid is going to happen if you do? Question #5 What does Success look like to you? Be detailed in every aspect of your life. Question #6 Think of someone you would like to build a stronger relationship with. What steps do you need to take to create that closeness? What feelings come up as you think of making those steps? Question #7 What lies are you believing about yourself? Where do you believe those lies are coming from? What is the truth? Take each lie and write on what is the truth that you now choose to believe. Question #8 What do you know is TRUE? Question #9 What resentments do you hold on to and why? Go deep with this one because resentments hold an energy to them that will hold you back from having fulfilling relationships. Question #10 Make a list of people in your life that you turn to for support. List how they support you. Also make another list of people in whom you feel you support. Then write about how important it is to not only be supported by others but to also give back and help others along the way. Question #11 Where in your life do you LEAK. Meaning, you give your power away, make excuses and find yourself justifying? Question #12 If you had all the money in the world and never had to work another day, what would you choose to do with your time and why? What kind of contribution would you make to other's lives? Question #13 What is one thing you would like to do that you haven't done yet and make a plan that includes steps to making it happen. Question #14 Write on the idea that "Life is a Journey, NOT a destination." What does that mean for you in your life and how can you keep that healthy perspective? Question #15 We can't love others until we love ourselves. How does this relate to your feelings today? Yesterday? In what ways have you started to "Fall in LOVE" with yourself? Question #16 Make a list of things that you are running FROM? and why? What is it that you fear most? Question #17 If there was one thing you could do today that would move you closer to your ultimate goal today, what would that be and by when will you have it completed? Question #18 What are the 3 biggest challenges/obstacles you have in your life right now and what needs to happen to step through them to gain momentum in a positive way? Question #19 Make a list of 10 Miracles/God Things that happened to you yesterday. Question #20 What are your top 5 HUGE goals you want to accomplish in your life? Why do you want them and in having accomplished them, what would that do for you in your life? How would you feel about yourself? Question #21 Who is one person in your life that you have wanted to reach out to but haven't done so yet? Hand write them a letter and deliver it or send it in the mail. Question #22 Think of just the last year or two of your life. Make a list of all the things you have learned during your challenging times. Keep writing til you feel like you have gotten them all out. This will surprise you and if you are having a hard time coming up with it, do a little meditating over it and just let it flow. Question #23 Write about a time in your past where you have felt abandoned by God, family member, friend, etc. How did that make you feel? What did you do? Question #24 What were your highs and lows of the day? Question #25 What are things that you experienced as a child that you would like to carry on to your children? These could include traditions, thoughts, experiences. Question #26 If you were to change any 3 things about you.. what would they be and why? What is it about those 3 things that you haven't accepted? Question #27 If you had one last chance to speak to Billions of people on the planet, what is the message that you would want to share with them and why is that message so important to you? Question #28 Write your own eulogy. What do you want people to say about you when you die? What do you want people to remember you for being? Be very very specific. I want you to write this somewhere or make a copy of it and put it in an envelope and seal it to be open a year from now. Question #29 What is one bad habit you wish you could break right now that if you did it would make a HUGE different for you in your life? Create a plan to eliminate it ONE DAY AT A TIME. |
#1 Acknowledgement
Describe in great detail what your life is like in these 4 areas.
#2 Holding You Back What are the top 3 things in your life that you feel are holding you back and why? What has happened that has caused you to give them power over you? Was it a moment in time or accumulative of different experiences? What would your life look like without those blocks? #3 Ideal Life Paint a picture of what you see if possible for you when living a healthy life? What does it feel like.... what does it look like.. who is in your life.. who is out of your life... Describe in detail you PERFECT DAY! #4 Significant Moments When looking back over you entire life, what were some of the most influential moments.. pivotal moments that affected your life's directions. What were the significants of each of those events and who was involved? Where do you think you might be if you hadn't had those experiences and what did you learn? #5 Food History Write a history of your life as it pertains to unhealthy eating. How long have you been battling living this unhealthy life or habits. What is your relationship to food? When are you most likely to go into the unhealthy eating? #6 Me time For some of you, you will find that you don't allow yourself much time for you AND if that is you, I challenge you to take a look at that. Write about why you think you are avoiding taking time for you? What would that mean if you took the time for you? Who would that affect? What are the feelings that come up for you as you think of carving out time just for you? Be aware of the emotions attached to these questions. Not right or wrong... just write openly and freely. #7 Emotional triggers (hunger) Make a list of Emotional Triggers that show up in your life around food. Do you find yourself eating when you are stressed, angry, tired, Happy, etc. Do you tend to eat more when you are around your family or friends? Don't judge the circumstances around it just flush out as many as you can. # 8 Balance What are the things in your life that tend to throw you off balance? Make a list of those things and then right what you think you can do right now to help you eliminate or limit your exposure to them. #9 Others Think of You Do you worry about what others think of you? For instance, do you eat unhealthy things people make for you because you don't want to hurt their feelings? Write specific areas where you find yourself in these situations. What are some reasons, you put others needs in front of your own. One of my favorite quotes is... "What others think of you is NONE of your business." Look for other areas in your life where this shows up too. Do you find yourself doing things that you really don't want to do because you can't say no. #10 Set Ups Take a good look at times in your life where you Set yourself up for failure. Evaluate why you might be doing that to yourself? What are the feelings you have around those set ups. For instance, when I fail to plan my meals for the day, I set myself up to be vulnerable to making unhealthy choices. Once you have acknowledged where you set yourself up, write what you things you need to do to make healthier choices. #11 Fear Vs Faith How often do you allow Fear to rule your life? Write a history of your fear and specific times you have made decisions out of fear. On the flip side acknowledge also those times where you have acted on Faith and what the outcomes were by doing so. I know when I did this many months ago, I realized something HUGE that almost every decision of my life up til the last few years was made by fear and no wonder I kept running in circles. It wasn't until I learned and practice the tools of living by Faith did I begin to truly be FREE. #12 Finding PEACE Write a list of things that bring you peace in your life. Be specific and notice who they may involve or what kind of environments you find yourself in when you feel that peace more often. What kind of activities or habits do you have in place in order to create that in your life? #13 Embracing ALL of YOU So.. today my challenge to you is to do a little mirror work. During my process of self discovery, I intuitively starting connecting with who I really am getting through a mirror. I know for some of you this will be HUGE . Trust me and just allow yourself to experience whatever it is that you are to experience. As you look at yourself in the mirror... begin with your eyes. Allow your thoughts to go where they go. If you find yourself constantly going to the negative, be intentional about shifting those thoughts to things like.. "I accept myself just the way that I am. ... or I have everything I need inside of me to be successful." Whatever comes to you, will be perfect. Spend as much time as you need but the idea of this is to connect with your true authentic self. When you are done. .. Write about your feelings and the thoughts that came to you. Remember ... please don't judge the thoughts.. just allow them to come. It's all just information. #14 God Speaking to YOU! So.. this was a VERY VERY VERY POWERFUL writing assignment I did a few months ago while I was at a women's retreat for 3 days. The question was... "What are the messages that God is telling you that you have been unwilling to hear?" I would encourage you to be very intentional about doing this writing in a place that is quiet and where you will not be interrupted. If you need to, listen to some calm music before starting or say a prayer and ask for His Direction. This was amazing experience for me and I have gone back several times to read what came to me to help me through some really tough times. #15 Love Letter to Self Write a list of 50 things you love about yourself. When I did this the first time I did 100 and it took me a couple of days... and there were times when I needed to ask God to help me finish the list and sure enough he did. There is nothing to small to list so dig deep. When you are done, write a letter to yourself. Don't hold back with how you feel. You may even want to apologize for the way you have treated yourself over the years or neglected your needs. It's ok. Mainly this letter is to honor who you are and what you have accomplished over the years of your experience. You are ABSOLUTELY PERFECT just right where you are. #16 What is your WHY? Evaluating your WHY is key to any aspect of your life. Why is it that you want to live a healthy life? Whenever I find that I want clarity regarding any aspect of my life, I start writing out my whys! It helps to make clear your intentions and get me focused. Some of the questions you may want to ask yourself are .. "Why do I feel it is important to put myself first? .. Why do I do the work I am currently doing? etc. Take any aspect of your life and ask the "WHY" question.. and it might be really interesting what you find. Keep asking "WHY" until you get to the bottom of the reasons you want what you want. #17 Being your Word Are you typically your word or do you often make commitments that you don't follow through on. Write about how it feels when you are your word or if you struggle with being your word what gets in your way. #18 Miracles Everyday there are miracles that happen in our lives. Make a list of miracles in your own life. I have realized that the more I recognize these miracles, the more I experience them. #19 Accomplishments Make a list of 100 Accomplishments you have made over your life time. No accomplishment is too small for this list. I know when I did this I got to about 40-50 and then called people who were close to me to help me remember things that I had forgotten. This is a way of acknowledging yourself. # 20 SIMPLIFY Where in your life do you need to simply? How often do you over stuff your days with things that are NOT moving you in the direction of Balance and Peace? I am learning value for myself as I too evaluate and then take action on simplifying EVERYTHING. #21 Negative Thoughts Reverse a Negative thought and write on it #23 CHANGE What would you like to change about your life? How would you change it? #24 Procrastination Write on what you procrastinate in your life and why? What holds you back from just taking action and getting things done? That could be in regards to taking care of yourself to finishing the laundry. There are many things that we want to do or we feel would be good for us to do but we sit on them and don't get them done. This is time for you to get honest about them and then start taking ACTION. Action is the only cure I have found to procrastination. #25 Are You a Victim? Do you blame others for your failures in your life? Do you have a hard time taking responsibility for yourself and what happens to you when it comes to your choices in life? If so, write about why you think you may be doing that. If you are one that is pretty good at taking responsibility in your life, write about where you think you learned to do that and how that has given you a lot of freedom and peace! #26 JOY In what ways do you look for joy in your life? #27 Inspire Others Make a list of people who inspire you. What qualities do they have that you would like to have? Also make a list of ways in which you inspire others. Be specific. #28 "Giving In" Write on "giving in" and why you do so. Giving into your craving and compulsions. What do you think might happen if you don't give in? #29 Self Pity At times, we may find ourselves in a place of self pity. What kinds of things usually lead up to you being in that place and what are somethings you can put into place to keep you positive and upbeat about yourself? #30 PRIDE Are you hanging onto pride? What role does Pride play in your life? Do you allow others to serve you and do you feel somehow that you don't deserve it? If you have overcome pride, in ways and how did you do it? |